BAM Weekly Working Group Sept 12th, 2022

From Bay Area Mesh
Revision as of 13:46, 12 September 2022 by Kn6plv (talk | contribs) (→‎Major Discussions Topics)
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  • Dave Dornlas
  • Isaac Bentley
  • Mathison Ott
  • John Swallow
  • Tim Wilkinson

Notes by

  • Tim Wilkinson

Major Discussions Topics

    • John helping a SCARES chap put up a node at his place in Redwood City
  • Sites
    • San Carlos
      • John planning to upgrade the dish mount for the connection to FB to improve the down angle
      • Also planning (different visit) to add in the EdgeRouterX. Space for including in waterproof box unclear
    • CCCC
      • There seems to be a tree between the CCCC tower and San Pedro
        • Maybe we could "trim" it a bit? Not a consensus for this approach
      • There is an additional mounting pole at the site, but we would need to reclaim an underground conduit to make that happen
    • Facebook
      • Seems to be some confusion about who knows who here, who has access, and what we need to do, and whether FB is happy with us
      • Would like to switch out the Omni for a Sector pointing south-east
      • Add a AREDN dish pointing back to San Carlos
    • San Bruno
      • We have the go-head to put a dish pointing south toward San Carlos (and Black Mountain)
      • Tim is waiting on the official tour and access keys - was suppose to be last week but postponed
    • Other sites
      • John talking to Scott (possibly about his sites
      • Discussion of alternate Umunhum site at cabin (needs solar)
  • Pacificon
    • Update the flyer and print out 200 copies
    • Get some stickers printed
    • Discussion about changing the name
      • (Editor: I'd be amazed if we ever do this)
    • Go with Dave's poster idea showing how the mesh has grown in the year
    • Need to bring our own power and internet options
      • Matthison will bring Starlink
    • Setup nodes outside and inside for demo purposes
  • Other stuff
    • The SCARES group have a nice beginners guide docs - we might want to use that as a template for our own