BAM Weekly Working Group Aug 15th, 2022

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  • Dave Dornlas
  • Mathison Ott
  • John Swallow
  • Tim Wilkinson

Notes by

  • Tim Wilkinson

Major Discussions Topics

  • Black Mountain report
    • Tim spend Saturday at Black Mountain helping out with their update
    • Sector is now higher and more useful for their community
    • Added a PowerBeam directly to Facebook
  • San Bruno report
    • John and Tim reported what was observed at the site when they visited last Tuesday
    • Tim describe the state of the site, and that the "group" which manages it have a bunch of structural work they want to get done soon
      • This will probably impact when we can make changes there
  • Facebook Menlo Park
    • Plan here is in flux a bit too
    • John mentioned possibly changing the channels used at Facebook so everything isn't on 175, especially stuff pointing up to San Carlos.
    • Dave made the point that whatever happens at Facebook will requires Facebook's signoff before we get on site to change anything
      • Dont expect to get anything but power
  • Pacificon
    • Mathison hopes we can get the cross bay link done by Pacificon (which *should* be possible)
  • La Honda
    • Plan for Tim, Dave and John to visit the site tomorrow (Tuesday) and get a better idea of what's possible.