BAM Weekly Working Group December 5th, 2022

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  • Dave Dornlas
  • Mathison Ott
  • John Swallow
  • Tim Wilkinson

Notes by

  • Tim Wilkinson

Major Discussions Topics

  • Sunol Ridge
    • New visit planned for December 17th.
  • Moon Mountain
    • John has a potential lead to put some radios at a winery near Moon Mountain.
    • Some formal letter is needed to move this along. Dave will draft something.
  • Repeater linking
    • Mathison is currently experimenting with some repeater linking over the mesh - looking forward to hearing more about this as he experiments.
  • Web site
    • Tim will get access to the current website so we can do some updates
  • Applications
    • Dave floated the idea of a group to explore and propose applications for the mesh. We get asked about this often and dont have a good prepared response beyond "cameras".
    • Tim will chat about this with Orv to see what they do.