BAM Weekly Working Group February 12th, 2024

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  • Christiaan Adams
  • Tim Wilkinson
  • Jim Moss
  • Dave Dornlas
  • John Swallow

Notes by

  • Tim Wilkinson

Major Discussions Topics

  • Catch up on Hurricane Electric
    • Antenna at Fire Station 8 adjusted to point at Hurricane, but no signal detected.
    • Plan to visit Hurricane tomorrow (13th) to re-adjust and raise antenna there. In all likelihood this will still not connect, so backup plan is to repoint antenna at Mount Allison.
  • Catch up on San Bruno Mtn
    • Still trying to help with the clean up of SBM but the chap in charge doesn't organize anything or accept help :-(
    • Was some storm damage at the site with other equipment where
  • VoIP phones
    • Still have poor documentation on setting up phones. Seems to be a complicated task, and because people only ever do it once, no one ever remembers the process.
    • How can we improve this?