BAM Weekly Working Group February 20th, 2023

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  • John Swallow
  • Dave Dornlas
  • Rob Rowlands
  • Tim Wilkinson

Notes by

  • Tim Wilkinson

Major Discussions Topics

  • Quick review of Sunol Ridge install
    • Backbone link is suboptimal and needs to be repositioned (but requires additional brackets to mount on 5" pole)
    • John will reposition San Carlos end to improve link as much as possible
    • Will revisit site once we have some users of the sectors
  • Marin
    • Rob provided a quick update on the Marin expansion
    • Going great with nodes coming online as far north as St Helens
  • Fire Stations
    • John and Dave discussed potential node placements at Fire Stations (41?)
    • John buying a few SXT hp 5 node as potential radios
  • San Mateo
    • Maybe add an omni + Rocket AC in San Mateo area to fill in a deadspot