BAM Weekly Working Group Jan 15th, 2024

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  • Christiaan Adams
  • Tim Wilkinson
  • Jim Moss
  • Dave Dornlas
  • Mathison Ott

Notes by

  • Tim Wilkinson

Major Discussions Topics

  • Discussion of the hardware in the new Skyline solar node.
  • VoIP phones
    • Mathison has a backlog of new accounts (which is great to hear)
    • Phone recommendations, specifically ones which are easy to program?
    • People are interested in a VoIP net
  • Mesh Meetup
    • Jim think we should start to organize some sort of live mesh meetup
    • Maybe quarterly?
    • What to present/discuss?
      • What tools exists and how to use them
      • Expectations using the mesh - it's not the internet
      • What do people want from this?
    • Jim plans to take the lead on this.