BAM Weekly Working Group July 10th, 2023

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  • Dave Dornlas
  • Jim Moss
  • Tim Wilkinson
  • Mathison Ott
  • John Swallow

Notes by

  • Tim Wilkinson

Major Discussions Topics

  • Black Mountain
    • Jim discussed the upgrades that happened at Black Mountain on Sunday.
    • Some discussion about the various numbers AREDN reports when trying to optimize a link
      • It's confusing
    • 60g link from Site 4 (Jim's) to Site 5 (Matthew's) setup for sharing his network
      • Details on quite what this means are somewhat fuzzy
  • Hornet
    • Dave asked Mathison if he could upgrade the nodes there .. which Mathison did
  • https v http
    • Trouble with getting a LiteBeam AC working
    • John eventually got it working using Windows 7
    • Speculation that this is related to modern browser insisting on using https when we need http
  • San Bruno Mtn B4
    • Site is now up.
    • Manager had some issues with it, having forgotten he gave the okay back in November. Hopefully all will be well.
  • Backbone
    • The backbone links are now a networking running OSPF
    • Backbone has access to the Internet, and the Internet can access the backbone
    • IPv6 and IPv4 are supported
    • Public IPv4 addresses are available
    • No 44net addresses yet
  • Emeryville
    • Install delayed due to work on the roof of the building, but update expected this week
  • Skyline College
    • Dave is working to get a node on Skyline college
    • This will hopefully lead to more nodes on Canada and others
    • Looking at non-penetrating mount, solar, and batteries
      • Mathison has info on doing this which he'll provide
  • Pacificon
    • 3 talks and a round table sounds like a good format
      • Would be good to get Rob to give a talk this year
    • Tim will book a table by the end of the week
      • People are encourage to give feedback on good spots before this