BAM Weekly Working Group June 20th, 2022

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  • Dave Dornlas
  • Tim Wilkinson
  • John Swallow

Notes by

  • Tim Wilkinson

Major Discussions Topics

  • San Bruno
    • Work need to add/replace nodes pointing south.
    • Frustration about link across bay to ORCA/Fish Ranch still not active
    • Need to establish who has access (was Greg)
    • Talk to Chris about requirements/setup at ORCA side
  • Facebook Sites
    • Plans to establish a new site at Facebook in Burlington and connect to San Bruno
    • Some discussion general FB access, including current site and connecting to San Carlos
  • Non-penetrating Mounts
    • John has some non-penetrating mounts so we can put antennas on rooftops.
  • Flyer/Leaflet
    • Dave provided current leaflet for review by Tim
    • Edits and changes for use by end of July