BAM Weekly Working Group March 11th, 2024

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  • Christiaan Adams
  • Tim Wilkinson
  • John Swallow

Notes by

  • Tim Wilkinson

Major Discussions Topics

  • Scale21
    • Linux + AREDN show in Pasadena, LA this weekend
    • Will be providing local mesh info for conference visitors and encouraging participation.
  • Update on failed backbone
    • Backbone failed this morning when the connection between Sunol Ridge and Mt Allison failed.
    • Should have re-routed around fault but didn't.
    • Need to simulate the failure and debug
  • Fish Ranch batteries
    • Chris replaced failing batteries at Fish Ranch.
  • General backbone updates
    • New sector at Wolfback. Provides much better connectivity to CCCC. Offers potential for more connections in the future.
    • 10GHz connection between Hurricane Electric and Mount Allison in place after failure to connect to FS8. Needs improved power solution at Allison.