BAM Weekly Working Group Oct 23rd, 2023

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  • Dave Dornlas
  • Christiaan Adams
  • Tim Wilkinson
  • Jim Moss
  • John Swallow
  • Mathison Ott

Notes by

  • Tim Wilkinson

Major Discussions Topics

  • Net checkin
    • Chris discussed the next NET checkin and what he plans to do differently. Still keep the the monthly schedule and async nature, but request a little more from the user.
  • Pacificon
    • Tables was well staffed and we had a good amount of inquiries, both from old and new people.
    • Meetup on Saturday night well attended
    • Mathison's talk on Sunday was well attended.
  • Winlink
    • Discussion about Winlink and Radiomail iPhone app which makes it easy to use
    • Some discussion about limitations of current implementation and whether work should be done to help with that.
      • One suggestion was using off-message links for larger documents/photos
  • Meshchat
    • Some talk about a Mesh File spinoff to share files across the mesh.
  • ARDC
    • Had a table at Pacificon as usual
    • They have a new 44net product out - a Wireguard Router to take your 44net address with you wherever you go.
    • Judi KK6ZCU, representing ARDC, talked about how AREDN and 44net might work together in some way.